xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Karen Wagner garden & design: Plants and things

Saturday 14 July 2012

Plants and things

I am completely immersed and being slightly overtaken by plants at the moment.  There are a few garden plans on my desk that I am finishing all the plant lists for and so I am eating, dreaming, sleeping all the colours, textures, greens and flowers that are possibilities.

Narrowing the list is always a good challenge...how does one choose their top 10 favourite plants....impossible!

I suppose really it comes down to all the practical things sometimes, like soil and site and rainfall and aspect.

And then its always fun to throw a few wild cards and absolutley must have beauties in.

It's good that gardens don't just need to be about one thing I suppose also....there can be formal parts and flowering parts and vege parts that all work together to give a verdant green enjoyable landscape.  

1 comment:

  1. What is the name of your plant that is the ninth one up; it has long slender leaves and a small, green, cup-like flower heads with somethings that looks sort of reddish and yellow inside? I would love to know. Thank you!
