xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Karen Wagner garden & design: plant trees ...and then make them into a tunnell

Sunday 10 March 2013

plant trees ...and then make them into a tunnell

A lovely visitor to our store lately, sent through to me some of the most wonderful and inspiring photos of tree tunnells from around the world.
They are fantastic.

The jacaranda remind me of my time at Uni in Queensland (the theory was that if you hadn't started studying by the time the jacarandas were in flower you couldn't pass your exams....) and the lush green of the bamboo is wonderful.  I always love the colour of leaves changing season.  It reminds you to take a breath and go with the season....a good idea for this year with our very obvious warm Indian Summer and the crazy summer we have had. 

Just enjoy these.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How I wish I could also have this in our garden. I wonder what kind of trees can make this fabulous tunnels. Maybe www.coloradogreenlandscaping.com can help me.
